Pat and I finally had a free weekend together so on Sunday, we drove up the Pacific Coast Highway past Malibu to Carillo State Park for a little leg stretcher.
I started taking pictures from the car as we passed through Malibu just because it was so pretty. Pat kept insisting that every person we saw on a motorcycle was either Brad Pitt or George Clooney!If anyone ever wants to go to graduate school in a beautiful location, I suggest Pepperdine. The campus is right along the water and very beautiful. We will have to take this university off Pat's list of schools he might want to work at, since they just cut track and field.
Here is another highway shot of Malibu.
Our hike started at sea level and climbed 1,800 feet to Nicholas Flat.
Unfortunately, I discovered early on during this hike that I am a nothing but a slab of lard these days! The trail was really steep, and I was huffing and puffing the whole way up. Hopefully, it will be a motivation to get fit for the summer hiking season.
There were many beautiful ocean views to contemplate.
After about three miles, the open trail gave way to some small trees which provided some shade.
And then we came upon Nicholas Flat-a very interesting meadow. It felt really wild--it seemed as though there should have been water buffalo or some other exotic animal grazing.
The way back down was easier aerobically but my feet throbbed by the end.
The trail ended right by the beach so we took a minute to watch the surfers before heading back home.
PS-The sky was not actually pink during this excursion. I don't know what the deal is with my camera.