Pat and I went camping in Joshua Tree in March. They say spring is the best time to visit the park but I wouldn't go that far. The wind howled the entire time we were there, and it was bitterly cold. When we arrived at the visitor's center, the sign said that all the campgrounds were full. However, when we talked to the ranger, she said "Nah, most people are pulling out because of this weather so you shouldn't have any problem finding a spot." That statement might have deterred campers with a few more brains (or less of a proclivity for suffering) than Pat and I.

Lost Horse Mine.

The weather looks good, doesn't it? This is Saturday evening. We were very lucky to find a campsite where we could pitch our tent in a sheltered area.

I was very chagrined to find out that it was SNOWING when I got up at 5 a.m. to go to the bathroom.
Katie and Gumby. I took this picture when I got back into the tent. Check out the frozen water bottle in the background. Why do we do it?
The next morning we did at seven-mile hike to the Lost Palms Oasis. That was after we drove 20 miles out of our way looking for some hot coffee (no luck). These palm trees reminded me of the Sesame Street character Snuffleupagus.

Lost Palms Oasis.
You guys are hard core. I laughed out loud when I saw the picture of the car in the snow!
Poor Pat, why must you torture him and take his picture at 5 am. I love the blog and can't wait to read more about the exciting adventures of KT and Pat!
Blog looks good my friend!
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