Even though we have lived in Southern California for two years (can you believe that?), I haven't done a good job of seeing all the show biz sights. So, a few weeks ago, I set out to hike up to the Hollywood sign.
We started in shady Bronson Canyon, a place made famous by the many TV shows and movies that have been filmed there. Little House on the Prairie and Bonanza, to name just a few, were taped here. BTW--this isn't our dog--he just jumped into the picture!
And, look, here is the bat cave from the old TV series!
At first, we couldn't even see the Hollywood sign but then it came into view. It looked very far away...
We hiked onward and upward and got closer to the sign.
The trail was full of very friendly people, and we asked a cute fellow to take our picture. My old college friend Rose is on my right, and Mardie, a new friend is on my left. Mardie has lived in Hollywood for 23 years so she was a terrific guide.
After about two miles of hiking, we came to the trail's terminus and as close to the sign as we could legally get. There were lots of tourist milling around...
Including this girl who was posing in front of the sign in a bikini while her friend took pictures. We were laughing so hard at this--I couldn't resist a clandestine photo of my own. Never a dull moment in Southern California.
I think that bikini clad girl might be looking into a career in adult entertainment...
I love this! I think that both the dog and the bikini-clad girl are looking for their big break......
I thought that was Rose! She looks great!
Oh how I miss the Fun activities of Southern California! Last time I was on that mountain, Raul was having a rock throwing contest to see who could hit the little shed first. I'm sure that could go right with the bikini and the dog.
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