Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Now...Seven Things

Stacy tagged me for this, so, in the spirit of reciprocity, I will do this one.

Here are the rules:

1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself, some random, some weird.

3 Tag 7 people (if possible) at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

Seven Random, Weird or Random & Weird Facts about Me:

(I know there must be a hundred random or weird things about me, but presented with the opportunity to share these factoids, my mind goes blank)

1) I've been a vegetarian for 17 years! Vegetarianism has been the one constant in an evolving life. Sometimes I've been strict, sometimes lax but the basic rules have been the same: no chicken, pork or beef. Eggs and dairy have always been okay and fish depends on what phase I am going through.

2) I really only have one phobia but it can make life difficult: I hate having strangers touch me! For example, I hate having my hair cut--I cringe when they touch my scalp. This one definitely qualifies as a weird fact.

3) I have a really bad tendency to say totally inappropriate things. As I've aged, I have gotten much better; however, I never quite eliminate it. Last year, Pat almost died when I told his friend who works for Anheiser-Bush and worships the company: "The problem with all their beers is that THEY SUCK!" I also recently told friends with a newborn that "you have the pastiest, whitest baby I've ever seen!" Sigh...

4) One of my goals is to hike to the highest point in 48 states (minus Washington and Alaska-I see no need to die). So far, I've got three: Texas, Tennessee and California.

5) Since I left home 19 years ago, I've never lived in the same house/apartment for more than 2 years.
6) I'm addicted to sports radio.
7) Although I go running nearly every day, I only enjoy it about 10% of the time. I get really annoyed by those peppy jogger types who gush about endorphin rushes and runners' highs. I don't think I've experienced either!
I am not going to tag anyone specifically since I just tagged everyone last week but if anyone feels inspired to do this one, I encourage it.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

8 Things

Note: This isn't the first time Audra has tagged me but, since, according to her own blog, she will only be in Long Beach for another 10 days, 19 hours and 44 minutes (and counting), I though I would indulge her!

8 TV Shows I watch: (without cable or dish, it is impossible for me to get to eight on this one):

College Football
Pro Football (Go, Steelers)
Grey's Anatomy
The Amazing Race
48 Hours Mystery (secret embarrassing indulgence)
The Office (how could I forget this one?)

Sorry, that is all I got on that question!

8 Favorite Restaurants: (whew, an easy one)

River's End
Shorehouse Cafe
Rock Bottom
Schooner or Later
The bagelry
Belmont Brewery
Harbour House
Ocean Rock (Fort Worth)

8 Favorite Singers/Bands:

Eddie Vedder
Counting Crows
Mark Knoffler & Emmylou Harris (together)
Mary Chapin Carpenter
Tony Furtado
Nanci Griffith
Robert Earle Keen
Guy Clarke

8 Books I have read recently:

The brief, wondrous life of Oscar Wao
Beautiful Children
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
The Zookeeper's Wife
Harvest for Hope, a Guide to Mindful Eating
Coming into the Country
Blackwater: the Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army
Oh, the Glory of It All

8 Things that happened yesterday:

I woke up with a cold.
I got a raise.
I took a day off from running.
I went to a party.
I drank a fair amount of red wine.
I talked to Pat on the phone.
I watched An Inconvenient Truth.
New Tenants moved into our house in Bozeman.

8 Things I am looking forward to:

The turmoil at work abating.
The weather cooling down a bit.
Seeing my kitties when I get home.
Going home for Christmas.
Going camping over Thanksgiving.
Going out to breakfast tomorrow morning.
Being in better shape.
My next blog entry.

8 Things I wish for:

Good health for myself, family and friends.
Happy endings for my friends at work.
Pat to get home safely from Stanford.
To keep in touch better with my friends.
A cleaner house.
For Obama to stay safe.
More trails to run on.
A quiet life.

8 People I am tagging (and by eight, I mean five--I don't even know eight bloggers!)

Carolyn (you need something to write about)
Jen (ditto)
Stacy (you oughta be able to work it in sometime this month)
The Mize Family (you have tons of blogger friends to send this to)
Claire and Jim (just for fun)

Y'all better do it!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Proposition H8 (California Fails the Nation)

Disclaimer: Those of you who read this blog are an eclectic group with a wide range of views and opinions. I'm proud to call you all my friends which is one reason that I generally shy away from politics and religion, the two big issues that tend to polarize people. However, my heart is broken over this issue, and it has really been on my mind. So, forgive me...

Last Friday night when I arrived home, our street was barricaded off, news helicopters were hovering and motorcycled police officers were standing guard. I had no idea what was going on, and I called Pat to see if he had been taken hostage. Inside our apartment, he had no idea what I was talking about. We soon learned that protesters of Proposition 8 had filled the streets. We immediately decided to join them.

California's Proposition 8 approved an constitutional amendment that recognizes marriage as between a man and a woman only, dashing the hopes of gay and lesbians who wish to marry. The 52% of Californians who voted for Proposition 8 hold that "gay marriage" will somehow undermine traditional marriage and traditional family values. I don't understand this--legalizing gay marriage is certainly not going to cause us straight folks to change teams! By the same token, a constitutional ban on gay marriage sure isn't going to cause gay families to suddenly decide to straighten up and fly right!

Proposition 8 supporters have a tendency to view gays as depraved individuals who made a "choice" to be gay. My many gay friends tell me that isn't so: they knew from an early age that they were somehow "different." Just like those of us who are straight--we never made a "decision." Plus, why would anyone really make the decision to be gay? It is no easy life. Even with the most supportive families, the "coming out" process is long, elaborate and no picnic. In worst case scenarios, teens are shunned by the families and forced onto the streets. From strangers, gays face a lifetime of stereotypes, discrimination, abuse and judgement.

End of soapbox lecture. Thanks for reading.