Friday, October 31, 2008


I've never been a great fan of Halloween. So, yesterday, when everyone decided to dress up at work for the holiday, I said I had to work late and didn't have time to get a costume together. It was an excuse but a true one. Then I said "if someone brings me a costume, I will wear it." Immediately, I regretted those words because a gal I work with said that she had the perfect costume for me. The next day, the costume was waiting for me in my office when I arrived. Little Bo Peep! Being a woman of my word, I was forced to wear it all day. Everyone who saw me burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter. To show that I don't take myself that seriously, I thought I would share this picture with you. Enjoy!


Jim and Claire said...

HAH! That's awesome. But would have been better with a blonde ringlet wig. You are a good sport and it serves you right for not being a fan of Halloween! You need to move to England with that attitude! xoxox Love, She Who Always Enjoys Dressing Up In Ridiculous Costumes

Carolyn said...

HAAAAA HAAAA HAAAA. That cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

One question - where are your sheep?

I feel your pain - I hate to dress up - having hit my pinnacle of Halloween success in 1989 when I was one of the Jackson 5! Andy's sister had a party on Friday night and we purposely went late because we had no time to pull together cosutmes!

Abby was a Steelers Cheerleader (we already had the outfit, so she made it easy for Mom!) and Caroline was Piglet!


Katie said...

The sheep were lost, remember?

The Mize of Texas said...

I LOVE it!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was a medieval queen, but I looked like I a Burger King burger slinger because of my bright yellow crown. But, I didn't, um, wear the costume to work.