Thursday, June 25, 2009

Disneyland with Casey and Saul

In June, our friend Casey and her son Saul visited us from Montana. Casey gets a Gold Star in my book because she is a faithful visitor despite having two children. Indeed, she has visited us everywhere we have lived!

Here is a great picture of Saul with one of the cutest and most perfect kitties in the whole world. Most kitties wouldn't let an energetic five-year old pet them but Stormy just sat there and basked in the attention.

Then it was off to Disney where Saul suggested we do the Buzz Light Year ride first. Since I had never been on it, I concurred.

It was an awesome, interactive ride where we could earn points by hitting targets as they flashed by.

Even the adults got into the game.

Then we did a little driving. Of course, Saul insisted he could drive.

And, shortly thereafter, we learned why five-year-olds don't get licenced. Actually, with a little help from mom, he didn't do too badly.

I confess that this was a real temptation for the person in the car behind them.

The Teacups reminded me of something: I am as old as the hills. Why else would I feel so gross after such a relatively mild ride? I felt terrible afterwards...

Then Saul took our picture--we were impressed that we were both in it.

Here is Saul before the Pirates of the Caribbean: happy!

It turns out that Pirates of the Caribbean is pretty scary!

I would say that is pretty reasonable.

So, we finished off our day at our happy place! What a perfect antidote: Its A Small World, After All.

Everyone felt better afterwards and went home happy!


Casey said...

Sweet Pix. Thanks for posting them Katie. As Saul and I went through the photos I gave him a hard time about his erratic driving. So he said I should drive the next time. I guess we have to go back!
Thanks for the memories! They will be enduring and some of Saul's first, no doubt.

Audra said...

Raul kicked my butt in Buzz's ride. Remeber our fun little LB family Disney trip?! Happy birthday boss.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Happy Birthday KT! I also think you got a little dig in for all your other friends that never visit!!!

Jim and Claire said...

I, too, get sick on things that spin. And ferris wheels. And in cars. When I was young, this never happened.