Pat and I discovered soon after we moved to Long Beach that we lived in the Gayborhood. Being progressive-type folks, this was no big deal to us. However, once a year, things get really crazy: Pride weekend. The Pride Festival is the second largest event (right after the Grand Prix), and annually draws almost 100,000 people. Here are some pictures from the Sunday morning parade.
First came the flags representing different nationalities.
Then a whole bunch of floats.
And Disneyland was there, too. Actually, there were lots of big companies from Budweiser to Boeing.
And there were lots and lots of floats that made us want to cover our eyes!

It was also nice to see several churches in the parade.
It was also nice to see several churches in the parade.
And it wouldn't be a Pride parade without some drag queens. There was lots more to see; however, my camera was on the fritz. That may be a good thing... let's just say it was great entertainment!
I wish I could have been there! Want my old camera? It sucks but works :)
Something tells me that my Penguin parade pictures will pale in comparison!
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