Monday, January 10, 2011

Bad Blogger!!!

Well! How does one become such a slacker?

At first, my goal was to blog once a week. Then, I downgraded to once a month.

And, somehow, after one final post in September, I seem to have given it up altogether. It wasn't a conscious decision--I just got busy, and blogging fell off my list of priorities.

The worst part is that there have been several blog worthy topics over the last several months. Luckily, I did manage to take some pictures, and my goal now is to go back and share some of these with you. In a few weeks, I hope to be caught up to the present.

Let's hope that 2011 is a good blogging year!

1 comment:

Claire said...

not to worry! Your faithful blog readers still check in every couple of months. I'm glad to see that you are still having great adventures! xoxo