Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Alaska-Part III: Primrose Trail to Lost Lakes

After leaving Denali, we spent a night at Primrose Campground and hiked the 15-mile Primrose Trail to Lost Lakes the next day.

At first, the trail was heavily wooded. Here is a ptarmigan and her two chicks right on the trail.

After about two miles, we got a very nice look back at the lake where we had camped.

At mile four we finally got above tree line. Stunning!

But, no bears.

Pat on a bridge.

Our destination: Lost Lakes. The scenery was spectacular, and there were several backpacking groups camping right on the lakes.

I took this picture on our way back.

There were lots of snow patches, and I feel right through a snow bridge into the very cold water below. So much for my newly dry shoes!

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