Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I finally have time to do a post about our wonderful kitties, Rascal and Stormy. Rascal and Stormy are smart, talented, creative, and adorable beyond belief. They are definitely more advanced than other kitties their age, and we aren't just saying that either! Here is the back story: Last April when we were living in Fort Worth, Pat went out into our little backyard to clean off the deck. All of a sudden he jumped back and said "Oh, my God, there is a cat out here with kittens." Sure enough, one of the local feral cats had given birth to three kittens just a few days before. I knew I might get attached to them so I vowed to ignore them all. My vow lasted for, oh, a few days. Pretty soon I was out there checking them out all the time. Over the next four weeks, Pat and I named all the kitties. We had a feeling that was a pretty bad sign for us. After many discussions, we decided to give two of the kitties a life of indoor luxury. We had hoped to steal them away from Mama Cat when they were about eight weeks old but it didn't quite work out that way. After about five weeks, the kitties were roaming around and leaving our yard, and we were concerned they might wander into the road. So, one morning, while Mama Cat was out, I stole all three kitties away. Pat and I just couldn't see ourselves with three cats, and we were thankful when our apartment managers found a home for the third kitty. However, the next week was heart wrenching. Mama Cat spent the next week prowling in our backyard, crying for her babies. At times, I felt like just throwing them back out there to her! But, then there would have just been three more feral cats in the world.

Rascal is the tabby on the left. She earned her name just because she always looks on the verge of some misadventure. We consider her the MacGyver of cats because she can always figure out a way to get at whatever she wants. A few months ago when we went on vacation, and the kitties broke into our refrigerator, spoiling everything inside, we had no doubt as to who had been the mastermind behind it. Stormy is on the right. He is so named because it was a tempestuous spring weather-wise in Fort Worth. Stormy is a cat ruled by his own desires. We can swat him down off the kitchen counter 18 times, and he will jump right back up if he thinks there is any chance any food for him. We don't have the heart to hold it against him because, while Rascal can be a typical standoffish feline, Stormy is all about the lovin'. He loves to cuddle and snuggle in a warm lap.

The kitties spent most of their first day in our apartment hiding behind a bookcase. But, they quickly warmed up to us!

Just like us: they enjoy wine.

And, just like us, they love running shoes!

They are the best of friends...

But, they also have daily "Kitty smack downs." In this picture, Stormy has jumped on Rascal and is biting her neck.

The kitties were very excited when Pat sent me roses for our anniversary. So excited they ate the petals right off...

Remember what I said about how talented they are? Check out Stormy on the door frame. Maybe if times get tough, he can join the circus.
This is my mom's cat Simon. I just wanted to show him off because he is so fat! The last time I was home, Simon weighted in at 25 pounds.


Carolyn said...

They are so cute and your mom's cat looks like it is going to explode. I love how they hang out together. My dogs, not so much!

Jim and Claire said...

Ahh...your kitties are making me long for my kitties who are hunkered down in Louisiana. CUTE! We have a temporary cat at the moment. He and FInchley are NOT the best of friends, but they are co-existing at best. I love cats.