Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cow Plop!

While Pat's parents were visiting we all had our very first opportunity to attend a "Cow Plop." This Cow Plop involved setting three cows loose on a grid of 1,000 numbered squares that were marked off in the grass. Participants purchased squares in the hopes that one of the cows would "plop" in their square in order for them to win a cash prize. The Cow Plop benefited the CSULB track program, and, of course, since we enjoy a good contest, we had all purchased tickets. So, there we were, waiting to see if we could coerce on of the cows to plop in one of our squares!

In my mind, I envisioned that the cows would be set free in an enclosed area to roam as they desired. However, that wasn't quit the case. Members of a local children's soccer team led the cows around the area. Somehow, we missed the first "plop"which landed on number 777 (a lucky number for someone else, I suppose).

This cow was standing on one of our numbers! So, we shouted silly things like "stay there! Come on! You can do it!" Really--I hope the first and only time in my life that I will encourage a cow to do his business in my area. Alas--this cow just milled around and eventually wandered away.

The crowd got excited when this cow raised her tail but it was a false alarm--just a little pee-pee.

Finally, another cow "plopped." Number 67. How about this action shot?

We checked our numbers but were not winners. However, we still had a chance for the third and final plop--worth $2,000!

Glad this isn't my job!

Then things slowed down. The cows ate some grass.

When I saw the farmers relaxing in their lawn chairs, I realized we might be in for the long haul.

Then the cows got tired of wandering the field. They sat down and refused to move. The farmer yelled at the kids to let them rest.

It got hotter and hotter. No plops. The cows ate some more and eventually everyone from our crowd wandered off to sit in the shade and watch the women's soccer game. I waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, I gave up and headed over to the soccer game. The second I turned away, the third plop was forthcoming. Alas--we were losers again. But, it was well worth the $20 to witness such a fun and exciting event;)


The Mize of Texas said...

This brings back memories of FFA and 4-H fundraisers from my childhood! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

Audra said...

OMG! Happy to have missed that event. My luck I would have been out there working with the cows b/c I love to help out the CSULB track team.

Jim and Claire said...

HAH HAH! They did that at the rodeo in Fort Worth, too! Cows are funny.

Anonymous said...

We ar looking to host a similar event. How did you number the grids? We were thinking a random numbered grid would be better than going 1 -1000 in order. What are your experiences with this? Please help.
Thanks...Dee from CT

Lisa said...

This is hilarious! I had heard of this before but never read it on anyone's blog! ;)